HOA Beat: Pool Rules

With pool season upon us, this podcast hits home with all the tools an HOA board needs regarding rules and member access to the community pool. One helpful tip is that the board should review its rules with a focus on ensuring there is no discrimination based upon “familial status”; for example …

HOA Beat: Year in review

The eggnog is ready and the gifts are wrapped, as we close another wonderful year at Key Community Management. Providing you, board members and lot owners with informative HOA blogs and industry specific podcasts has been a labor of love for our staff this year. We hope you can use our growing library of HOA…

HOA Beat: Roberts Rules

During a HOA board meeting, what is a good time to implement Robert’s Rules and what is Robert’s Rules? Who was Robert and how did he become the ruler? This latest podcast gives HOA board members and HOA homeowners a detailed explanation on how Robert’s Rules works …